Long-Term Outcome After Surgical Treatment of Lipedema

By February 6, 2016Lipedema, Treatment

Long-Term Outcome After Surgical Treatment of Lipedema

Peled AW, Slavin SA, Brorson H; 2012

Synopsis: This article discusses the difficulties lipedema patients face, including misdiagnosis, unresponsiveness to diet and exercise, physical pain, and distress over the appearance of their legs. A case study follows a 21-year old patient with lipedema who was successfully treated with liposuction and compression.

Abstract: Lipedema is a condition characterized by abnormal deposition of adipose tissue in the lower extremities leading to circumferential bilateral lower extremity enlargement typically seen extending from the hips to the ankles. Diagnosis of the condition is often challenging, and patients frequently undergo a variety of unsuccessful therapies before receiving the proper diagnosis and appropriate management. Patients may experience pain and aching in the lower extremity in addition to distress from the cosmetic appearance of their legs and the resistance of the fatty changes to diet and exercise. We report a case of a patient with lipedema who was treated with suction-assisted lipectomy and use of compression garments, with successful treatment of the lipodystrophy and maintenance of improved aesthetic results at 4-year postoperative follow-up.

APA Citation: Warren Peled, A., Slavin, S., & Brorson, H. (2012). Long-term Outcome After Surgical Treatment of Lipedema. Annals Of Plastic Surgery, 68(3), 303-307. http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/sap.0b013e318215791e

AMA Citation: Warren Peled A, Slavin S, Brorson H. Long-term Outcome After Surgical Treatment of Lipedema. Annals of Plastic Surgery. 2012;68(3):303-307. doi:10.1097/sap.0b013e318215791e.

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