Complex Decongestive Physiotherapy Decreases Capillary Fragility in Lipedema

By February 6, 2016Lipedema, Treatment

Complex Decongestive Physiotherapy Decreases Capillary Fragility in Lipedema

Szolnoky G, Nagy N, Kovcs RK, Dsa-Rcz E, Szab A, Brsony K, Balogh M, Kemny L; 2008

Synopsis: This study tested whether complex decongestive physiotherapy (CDP) could reduce capillary fragility (CF) in patients with lipedema, concluding that in general CDP could reduce CF for lipedema patients, and might lead to less bruising.

Abstract: Lipedema is a disproportional obesity featuring frequent hematoma formation due to even minor traumatic injuries. On the basis of clinical observations, complete decongestive physiotherapy diminishes the incidence of hematomas due to minor injuries beyond leg volume reduction. Hematoma development may be caused by altered capillary resistance (CR) or altered capillary fragility (CF). We measured capillary fragility (CF) before and after complex decongestive physiotherapy (CDP) to examine, whether CDP could reduce CF. 38 women with lipedema were included in the study. Twenty-one (21) patients were treated with CDP and 17 using exclusively moisturizers as the control group. CDP comprised once daily manual lymph drainage, intermittent pneumatic compression and multilayered short-stretch bandaging performed throughout a 5-day-course. CF was evaluated with the vacuum suction method (VSM) using Parrot’s angiosterrometer in both groups. Decongestive therapy resulted in a significant reduction of the number of petechiae while no change was detected within the control group. Complete decongestive physiotherapy significantly reduced CF in patients with lipedema and this reduction may lead to reduced hematoma formation.

APA Citation: Szolnoky, G., Nagy, N., Kovcs, R. K., Dsa-Rcz, E., Szab, A., Brsony, K., … & Kemny, L. (2008). Complex decongestive physiotherapy decreases capillary fragility in lipedema. Lymphology, 41(4),161.

AMA Citation: Szolnoky G, Nagy N, Kovcs RK et al. Complex decongestive physiotherapy decreases capillary fragility in lipedema. Lymphology. 2008;41(4): 161.

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