This study presents two cases of advanced lipo-lymphedema complicated by elephantiasis nostras, in which patients are treated with tumescent microcannular laser-assisted liposuction as well as a debulking surgery.
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This study presents two cases of advanced lipo-lymphedema complicated by elephantiasis nostras, in which patients are treated with tumescent microcannular laser-assisted liposuction as well as a debulking surgery.
This study used MRI lymphangiography to examine the lymphatic system structure of lipedema and lipo-lymphedema patients.
This article describes the case of a 54-year old woman diagnosed with both lipo-lymphedema, and includes her treatment results and before-and-after images.
This article uses a case study to illustrate the tremendous functional gains that individuals with lipo-lymphedema can achieve with proper diagnosis, education, and treatment.