Upcoming Worldwide Events
Join us for these upcoming events, which will help promote awareness of lipedema, further research on treatment, and strengthen support among sufferers of lipedema.
Virtual Event
Title Heart to Heart Virtual 3-Day Event Keto and Beyond: Customizing Your Plan to Joyful Nutrition
Description: Join our highly interactive event to gain new insight into your life with lipedema, lymphedema, and other lymphatic disorders, and discover solutions that can help you reduce or eliminate pain and swelling, decrease inflammation, and experience more freedom in your body!
Learn more here https://learn.lipedema-simplified.org/lipedema-lymphedema-event
Sign up here
About The Lipedema Project
The Lipedema Project, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization devoted to increasing awareness and providing education, research, and treatment for lipedema through online and face-to-face programs and community-building.
The Lipedema Project was founded in 2014 by Dr. Mark L. Smith, MD, FACS and Catherine Seo, PhD to begin the research and treatment for lipedema, a chronic fat disorder. Lipedema is a disease involving abnormal fat deposition resulting in pain, immobility, and lymphatic disturbances. Lipedema progresses over time often developing lymphedema, a chronic condition called lipo-lymphedema.
With obesity reaching epidemic proportions and anti-fat bias prevalent in healthcare, it becomes critical that patients are correctly diagnosed, that resources are invested in understanding this disease and how it can be treated, and that patients have the support, knowledge, and options to manage these chronic conditions.
The Lipedema Documentary is available for viewing on Facebook, Lipedema – The Disease They Call FAT.
The book is available on Amazon, Lipedema – The Disease They Call FAT: An Overview for Clinicians.