Online Courses About Lipedema

For patients, friends, family, therapists, supporters, and others interested in lipedema

To help spread awareness of lipedema and expand knowledge about this disease, we at The Lipedema Project have created several educational courses about lipedema. We believe that education is the first step in achieving recognition of lipedema as a disease, engaging in research, improving treatment options, and ultimately finding a cure. These courses are available to medical providers, physicians, surgeons, therapists, researchers, and of course, lipedema patients, and anyone else who wishes to learn more. Feel free to explore our current offerings below!

An Introduction to Lipedema


This course is a basic introduction to lipedema for the general public, including women with lipedema, their friends and family members, and anyone interested in learning about this disorder. Topics covered include Stories of Patients with Lipedema, Anti-Fat Bias, Possible Causes of Lipedema, the Lack of Knowledge in the Medical Community about Lipedema, The Symptoms and Diagnosis of Lipedema, and Treatment Options including MLD, Compression, Diet, Exercise, and Liposuction.


Lipedema patients, therapists, healthcare providers who treat lipedema, friends and family of lipedema patients, women and men who want to learn more or who are unfamiliar with lipedema.

Lipedema Solutions Forum


While little is known about lipedema, there are recommended options that can be taken to reduce the impact and stop the progression of the disorder.

The online course is a compilation of presentations from the Lipedema Solutions Forum which presents various methods to help in reducing the impact of lipedema on your quality of life. Sessions include the following:

Dealing with Lipedema:
How to advocate for yourself with your healthcare providers

Complete Decongestive Therapy:
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) & Compression

The Role of Exercise: lymphatic yoga, exercise & meditation

The Role of Diet: nutrition & supplements

Surgical Treatment: pros & cons, a panel of women who have had liposuction


Lipedema patients, therapists, healthcare providers who treat lipedema, friends and family of lipedema patients, women and men who want to learn more or who are unfamiliar with lipedema.

Stay tuned for more courses coming soon!