Latest Past Events

Presentation on Water-Jet Assisted Liposuction: Sweden

Central Hotel Vasagatan 38, Stockholm

Dr. Josef Stutz has kindly offered his services to SÖF as he is staying in Stockholm on Sunday. This presentation will give lipedema patients unable to attend the Saturday meeting the possibility to meet...

A Day with Lipedema in Focus: Sweden

Bräcke Diakoni: Rehabcenter Svären Bockholmsvägen 1, Solna

Lymfödemföreningen Stockholms län is organizing a unique symposium where professionals, patients, and relatives will have the opportunity to learn about lipedema together.  Interactive presentations with discussions will be given by Catherine Seo,...

SEK100 – SEK300

Meeting for Professionals on Lipoedema Awareness: Sweden

Oscars Församling Fredrikshovsgatan 3B, Stockholm

The Swedish Society for Lymphology and the Swedish Edema Association have arranged this meeting to increase knowledge about lipoedema for professionals, policy makers, patients, and the public. Lectures will be given by...